Upload 23 and me to ancestry

Nov 27, 2024


Use our converter tool to transfer your 23andMe to Ancestry, upload DNA information from MyHeritage or AncestryDNA to 23andMe, and share your AncestryDNA results with MyHeritage. By moving your DNA data across platforms like Ancestry and FamilyTreeDNA, you can gain a richer understanding of your genetic heritage and health traits. This allows for a comprehensive comparison of results and expands genealogical research opportunities through unique features designed to explore ancestral roots and facilitate DNA matches.

Our online tool for converting raw DNA files is entirely free and doesn’t require any registration or installation.

This is a completely free DNA file converter that works with 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, and MyHeritage.

Supports uploading file formats like .txt, .csv, .zip, and .csv.gz.

Choose the file format you wish to convert, then click the “Upload File” button to upload your file.




Written by Tendna


TenDNA - upload your raw DNA data and receive free DNA reports on health and wellness. From data files of 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage.

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